The European Hand Surgery Center

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The European Hand Surgery Center
主頁 / Diseases / Damage to the extensor tendons

Damage to the extensor tendons

What is it?

Tendons rectifiers-responsible for the snap are located on the dorsal side of the hand. They straighten the fingers and wrist. Can be compared to a cord, which is connected on one side muscle / motor located on the arm and on the other wrist or finger. Tendon transfers power from the motor of the effector.
As you approach the finger tendons rectifiers are more flat and thin. On the fingers form a very complicated system of straightening the fingers additionally supported small muscles lying within reach.


The most common cause damage to the extensor tendon injury is such .: cuts, lacerations. Their location directly under the skin makes them easier to damage. Very often blow in a finger or hand strike causes tendon rupture. It often happens that ruptures it is also accompanied by damage to the bone.
Some diseases predispose to spontaneous damage / tendon rupture, eg. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout.


The symptoms are usually easy to recognize because the patient notes the decrease or inability to straighten the finger. Drooping of the finger may occur immediately after the injury, but sometimes, however, that sometimes a few days after the injury the patient finds it impossible to open straighten the finger.

Testing and diagnosis

The diagnosis is based on symptoms and presented at the meeting by a doctor of the medical history describing the mechanism of an injury (shock, crushing, wound cut, plucked) and the time when they appeared. In the case of spontaneous tendon rupture it is important to find the cause factor which caused them: rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic disease, overload?


The choice of treatment depends on the type of damage and the time elapsed since its task. Cuts causing tearing of the tendon need to suture the tendon. The earlier you performs the surgery the better the effect of postoperative can get. In the case of extensive damage to tendons straightening the fingers may be impossible notebook tendons end to end -then it is non-anatomical connection tendons to play a snap finger / wrist. This procedure is often advisable in secondary / late reconstructions of traumatic extensor tendons.

After the surgery

After surgery, most often it is recommended to immobilize the finger or the hand (spatula, thermoplastic mass, gypsum, orthosis) and then rehabilitation. In some cases, it may be prescribed simultaneous immobilization and rehabilitation. The selection procedure determined by your doctor. Fusion of tendon stitched together very often cause fusion of the surrounding tissue - the formation of adhesions, which may limit or even prevent the movement of his fingers. In such cases it is necessary to perform further surgery.

The most common damage to the extensor tendons

  • Finger joint replacement - rupture of the distal tendon of the rectifier causing collapse of the last phalanx of a finger. Initially, treatment is conservative by special immobilisation finger for at least 6 weeks. In the case of open wounds and when the breakage of a tendon accompanied by tearing off a piece of bone of the distal phalanx finger is advisable to perform surgery immediately after the injury.
  • The so-called. Deformation butonierkowata - breaking band central knee extensor finger flexion resulting finger interphalangeal joint closer and compensation hyperextended in the interphalangeal joint further. Initially, treatment is conservative-specialized immobilization finger from the simultaneous exercise interphalangeal joint further. In the absence of the good effect of conservative treatment of both lesions your doctor may suggest for surgery.
  • Cutting or tearing tendons - give rise to a lack of extension finger, fingers or hand depending on the extent of damage. The best results are obtained immediately after the play-suturing the tendon continuity. The treating surgeon will decide whether the patient requires immobilization and since the patient can start rehabilitation.